[pdal] tindex creating empty geometry column. Index creation makes an index, but PDAL: readers.tindex: Unexpected argument 'merge'.
Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 10:41:11 PST 2017
On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 12:11 AM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:
> > On Feb 27, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Andrew, Howard.
> >
> > I can create geometries which can be loaded into QGIS - so clearly the
> lack of some binary blob symbol in sqlite’s 'select * from…’ is not a real
> issue.
> >
> > It appears the OGR drivers are working, and I’ve learned a lot in the
> past two days - nearly answering my own question about PostGIS. Short
> summary: OGR has a method for injecting data straight into a postgres store
> - but PDAL seems to want a filename to write to. I’ll revisit that later.
> I think you mean the ExecuteSQL method of OGR datasource, and no we don't
> expose that to the readers.tindex at the moment.
> >
> > So why is merging inside a clipping polygon from a tindex failing then?
> Following this example: https://www.pdal.io/stages/readers.tindex.html
> >
> > I get:
> > PDAL: readers.tindex: Unexpected argument 'merge’.
> hmm, something must be broken here. I would expect this to work..
The error is correct. The example in the documentation is wrong. You
should probably use the kernel to extract data based on the index. It
builds a pipeline and invokes the stage "readers.tindex" automatically.
I'll try to update the documentation.
>From your previous tindex creation I think it should be something like:
pdal tindex --merge --tindex "/data/act_8ppm.sqlite" --lyr_name pdal
--filename "/data/outputfile.laz" --polygon "POLYGON((149.0896224975586
-35.25812600834376,149.08790588378906 -35.26485397359959,149.08721923828125
-35.27326314463213,149.08653259277344 -35.27942931528233,149.0899658203125
-35.28363325338022,149.10472869873047 -35.28111091671122,149.10438537597656
-35.27046018460613,149.10850524902344 -35.26933897343947,149.1126251220703
-35.26289170810056,149.10747528076172 -35.25980805202397,149.09889221191406
-35.260368725492896,149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376))"
If you want to filter the layer, you'll have to add --readers.tindex.where
"location LIKE \"%ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD%\"
Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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