[pdal] filters.attributes reference failing and libpcl missing when using docker build v1.4

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 06:01:13 PST 2017

This is very strange and seems to be an issue with your docker installation
or some such.  I'm not much of a docker person, but if the loader can't
find the base ios C++ functions, something is wrong beyond PDAL.

Perhaps some people with more docker experience can shed some light.

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Michael Rosen <michael.rosen at gmail.com>

> I'm following the workshop presentation using the docker build of pdal 1.4
> (I'm on  linux mint 18).  I find the following:
> 1.  following the "analysis / clipping" exercise, it seems that
> filters.attribute filter stage is failing:
> msr at msr-linux ~ $ sudo docker run -v /home/msr/PDAL_workshop/:/data -t
> pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal pipeline        /data/exercises/analysis/
> clipping/clipping.json
> PDAL: Couldn't create filter stage of type 'filters.attribute'.
> There's a relevant pull request (https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/pull/1171)
> but no indication of what to do instead.
> 2.  I thought perhaps "pdal --drivers" would shed some light on the
> situation. Sadly, when I did, pdal failed to load:
> msr at msr-linux ~ $ sudo docker run -v /home/msr/PDAL_workshop/:/data -t
> pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal --drivers
> (PDAL Error) Can't load library /usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so:
> Failed to load "/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so":
> /usr/lib/libpcl_io.so.1.8: undefined symbol: _ZNSt8ios_
> base7failureC1EPKcRKSt10error_code(PDAL Error) Plugin
> '/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so' found but failed to load: Failed
> to load "/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so":
> /usr/lib/libpcl_io.so.1.8: undefined symbol: _ZNSt8ios_
> base7failureC1EPKcRKSt10error_code
> I tried installing libpcl1.7 (which is what apt wants to put down) but it
> didn't help.
> I'll appreciate any guidance.
> msr
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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