[pdal] filters.attributes reference failing and libpcl missing when using docker build v1.4
Howard Butler
howard at hobu.co
Fri Mar 3 06:06:16 PST 2017
A pdal/pdal:1.4 docker image is currently refreshing on DockerHub that I expect will cure the issue. There were a couple of things:
1) PCL wasn't linking correctly. I found a way to revert to PCL 1.7 from Xenial instead of building our own
2) I suspect the image wasn't actually 1.4, but rather a master branch build. The Dockerfile wasn't checking out the 1.4-maintenance branch to build, and it was switching to master.
filters.attribute was split into filters.overlay and filters.assign for the upcoming 1.5 release. The docs aren't quite up to date on that topic. A ticket tracking it is at https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/issues/1510 <https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/issues/1510>
> On Mar 3, 2017, at 8:01 AM, Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is very strange and seems to be an issue with your docker installation or some such. I'm not much of a docker person, but if the loader can't find the base ios C++ functions, something is wrong beyond PDAL.
> Perhaps some people with more docker experience can shed some light.
> On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Michael Rosen <michael.rosen at gmail.com <mailto:michael.rosen at gmail.com>> wrote:
> I'm following the workshop presentation using the docker build of pdal 1.4 (I'm on linux mint 18). I find the following:
> 1. following the "analysis / clipping" exercise, it seems that filters.attribute filter stage is failing:
> msr at msr-linux ~ $ sudo docker run -v /home/msr/PDAL_workshop/:/data -t pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal pipeline /data/exercises/analysis/clipping/clipping.json
> PDAL: Couldn't create filter stage of type 'filters.attribute'.
> There's a relevant pull request (https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/pull/1171 <https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/pull/1171>) but no indication of what to do instead.
> 2. I thought perhaps "pdal --drivers" would shed some light on the situation. Sadly, when I did, pdal failed to load:
> msr at msr-linux ~ $ sudo docker run -v /home/msr/PDAL_workshop/:/data -t pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal --drivers
> (PDAL Error) Can't load library /usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so: Failed to load "/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so": /usr/lib/libpcl_io.so.1.8: undefined symbol: _ZNSt8ios_base7failureC1EPKcRKSt10error_code(PDAL Error) Plugin '/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so' found but failed to load: Failed to load "/usr/lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_pcd.so": /usr/lib/libpcl_io.so.1.8: undefined symbol: _ZNSt8ios_base7failureC1EPKcRKSt10error_code
> I tried installing libpcl1.7 (which is what apt wants to put down) but it didn't help.
> I'll appreciate any guidance.
> msr
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> Andrew Bell
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