[pdal] Clipping from multiple LAS tiles
Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 06:14:44 PDT 2017
Maybe I don't understand your issue, but if you're creating a valid
pipeline with stages not of your own creation and getting the exception
that you're reporting, something is broken. I think it's the tindex
reader. I don't think it has gotten a lot of use. I *think*people
typically use tindex from the command line, which invokes different code.
I think this indicates a bug in the tindex reader, but I'll have to
investigate. I doubt I'll get to it until Monday.
If you could open a ticket, that would be helpful.
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 7:57 AM, Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> Raising this thread from zombie status, and likely cleaning up my other
> one about tindex building: I feel like I’m closer to a solution here.
> I have a pipeline which collects file names from a tindex. However - PDAL
> says 'PDAL: Can't update layout after points have been added.’. What is the
> merge filter trying to do? has it already written out all the bounding box
> stuff at the first tile, and not wanting to update it?
> Or something else entirely? I’ll test some different data tomorrow.
> Thanks again
> Adam
> Details:
> ---
> tindex build:
> docker run -v /Volumes/Antares/ACT-lidar:/data pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal tindex
> /data/tile-indexes/8ppmtindex_bounds3.sqlite
> "/data/points/8ppm/AHD/*.las" -f "SQLite" --lyr_name "pdal" --a_srs
> "EPSG:28355" --t_srs "EPSG:4326" --fast_boundary
> (referring to my earlier post about missing geometries - using —a_srs made
> the difference. tile indexes now actually behave as if they are EPSG:4326,
> and a polygon with lon/lat vertices will intersect with tiles. I’ll add my
> result for some closure there tomorrow…)
> pipeline result:
> docker run -v /Volumes/Antares/ACT-lidar:/data pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal
> pipeline /data/point-clipping/act_clip.json --verbose=Debug
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Opening file
> /data/tile-indexes/8ppmtindex_bounds3.sqlite
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6886092_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6886094_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906092_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906094_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter *
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906096_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter
> (pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file
> /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6926094_55_0002_0002.las to
> merge filter
> PDAL: Can't update layout after points have been added.
> pipeline:
> {
> "pipeline":[
> {
> "type": "readers.tindex",
> "sql": "SELECT * from pdal",
> "filename":"/data/tile-indexes/8ppmtindex_bounds3.sqlite",
> "wkt":"POLYGON((149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376,149.08790588378906
> -35.26485397359959,149.08721923828125 -35.27326314463213,149.08653259277344
> -35.27942931528233,149.0899658203125 -35.284193761969895,149.09820556640625
> -35.28363325338022,149.10472869873047 -35.28111091671122,149.10438537597656
> -35.27046018460613,149.10850524902344 -35.26933897343947,149.1126251220703
> -35.26289170810056,149.10747528076172 -35.25980805202397,149.09889221191406
> -35.260368725492896,149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376))"
> },
> {
> "type":"writers.las",
> "filename":"/data/outputfile4.laz"
> }
> ]
> }
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Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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