[pdal] Clipping from multiple LAS tiles

Adam Steer Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au
Thu Mar 30 05:57:59 PDT 2017

Raising this thread from zombie status, and likely cleaning up my other one about tindex building: I feel like I’m closer to a solution here.

I have a pipeline which collects file names from a tindex. However - PDAL says 'PDAL: Can't update layout after points have been added.’. What is the merge filter trying to do? has it already written out all the bounding box stuff at the first tile, and not wanting to update it?

Or something else entirely? I’ll test some different data tomorrow.

Thanks again


tindex build:

docker run -v /Volumes/Antares/ACT-lidar:/data pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal tindex /data/tile-indexes/8ppmtindex_bounds3.sqlite "/data/points/8ppm/AHD/*.las" -f "SQLite" --lyr_name "pdal" --a_srs "EPSG:28355" --t_srs "EPSG:4326" --fast_boundary

(referring to my earlier post about missing geometries - using —a_srs made the difference. tile indexes now actually behave as if they are EPSG:4326, and a polygon with lon/lat vertices will intersect with tiles. I’ll add my result for some closure there tomorrow…)

pipeline result:

docker run -v /Volumes/Antares/ACT-lidar:/data pdal/pdal:1.4 pdal pipeline /data/point-clipping/act_clip.json --verbose=Debug
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Opening file /data/tile-indexes/8ppmtindex_bounds3.sqlite
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6886092_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6886094_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906092_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906094_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter *
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6906096_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter
(pdal pipeline readers.tindex Debug) Adding file /data/points/8ppm/AHD/ACT2015_8ppm-C3-AHD_6926094_55_0002_0002.las to merge filter
PDAL: Can't update layout after points have been added.


     "type": "readers.tindex",
     "sql": "SELECT * from pdal",
     "wkt":"POLYGON((149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376,149.08790588378906 -35.26485397359959,149.08721923828125 -35.27326314463213,149.08653259277344 -35.27942931528233,149.0899658203125 -35.284193761969895,149.09820556640625 -35.28363325338022,149.10472869873047 -35.28111091671122,149.10438537597656 -35.27046018460613,149.10850524902344 -35.26933897343947,149.1126251220703 -35.26289170810056,149.10747528076172 -35.25980805202397,149.09889221191406 -35.260368725492896,149.0896224975586 -35.25812600834376))"

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