[pdal] Z value change on reprojection in pdal 1.6

Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH CIV Michael.Smith at erdc.dren.mil
Tue Nov 14 07:07:55 PST 2017

Hmm, it might be that pdal is reading the source vertical projection as navd88 and if you are reprojecting and not specifying a vertical projection, it might be assuming wgs84. You can try specifying the output projection as epsg:5070+5703


Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers

From: Doug Newcomb <newcomb.ttg at gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 9:58 AM
To: Michael Smith <michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com>
Cc: pdal <pdal at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [pdal] Z value change on reprojection in pdal 1.6

The problem is the z values of all of the point values are have been changed.    I had created a raster from the mean value of the ground points from the pdal reprojected data.  I then went back to NOAA's site and selected a small subset to compare and had their engine deliver the points in Albers Meters Conus   NAVD88.  I imported the points to create a raster in the same way and then subtraced the Z value of the pdal reprojected points from the NOAA reprojected points.  The height values vary by 32-36 m ( see below) .

That was why I was asking if I had missed a step that ensured that the Z values stayed at the Geoid12A/12B/NAVD88 values.

Tue Nov 14 09:45:55 2017)
r.info<http://r.info> map=noaa_pdal_vert_diff_m at dnewcomb
 | Map:      noaa_pdal_vert_diff_m at dnewcom  Date: Tue Nov 14 09:36:19 2017    |
 | Mapset:   dnewcomb                       Login of Creator: dnewcomb        |
 | Location: seva_albers                                                      |
 | DataBase: /data2/grass70_data                                              |
 | Title:    noaa_pdal_vert_diff_m                                            |
 | Timestamp: none                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0               |
 |   Data Type:    FCELL                                                      |
 |   Rows:         12465                                                      |
 |   Columns:      20411                                                      |
 |   Total Cells:  254423115                                                  |
 |        Projection: NAD83 / Conus Albers                                    |
 |            N: 1687158.47979    S: 1668162.01936   Res: 1.52398399          |
 |            E: 1653024.11274    W: 1621917.96408   Res: 1.52398945          |
 |   Range of data:    min = 32.17395  max = 36.06071                         |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Data Description:                                                        |
 |    generated by r.mapcalc                                                  |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Comments:                                                                |
 |    2635_mean_ground_1_524_test_from_noaa_meters at dnewcomb -                 |
 |    2635_mean_ground_1_524 at PERMANENT                                        |
 |                                                                            |


On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Michael Smith <michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com<mailto:michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com>> wrote:

It looks like perhaps the header metadata is not correct, which is what I think you are seeing from lasinfo. When you inspected the Decimal Degrees file it shows

          "maxx": -76.2527221,
          "maxy": 37.9068695,
          "maxz": -5.777103023,
          "minx": -76.2571767,
          "miny": 37.9028129,
          "minz": -35.71281856

which match your albers output.

Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers

From: pdal <pdal-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:pdal-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> on behalf of Doug Newcomb <newcomb.ttg at gmail.com<mailto:newcomb.ttg at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 at 8:14 PM
To: pdal <pdal at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:pdal at lists.osgeo.org>>
Subject: [pdal] Z value change on reprojection in pdal 1.6

Finally diving into pdal more deeply.  I installed the docker  instance of pdal 1.6 and tried a bit of command line reprojection:

I downloaded some data from the NOAA website and  re-projected from Decimal Degrees to Albers Meters Conus ( EPSG:5070)
pdal translate /data/20100503_LAS_S23_1836_10.laz /data/albers_20100503_LAS_S23_1836_10.laz -f filters.reprojection  --filters.reprojection.out_srs="EPSG:5070"

 For the input data , lasinfo gives :

  Minimum and Maximum Attributes (min,max)
  Min X, Y, Z:                         -76.2571767, 37.9028129, 0.024
  Max X, Y, Z:                        -76.2527221, 37.9068695, 29.966
  Bounding Box:                   -76.2571767, 37.9028129, -76.2527221, 37.9068695

for the output laz file, lasinfo gives:

  Minimum and Maximum Attributes (min,max)
  Min X, Y, Z:                         1707096.44, 1829911.69, -35.72
  Max X, Y, Z:                        1707557.20, 1830350.12, -5.77
  Bounding Box:                   1707096.44, 1829911.69, 1707557.20, 1830350.12

pdal info for the input file gives:

  "filename": "\/data\/20100503_LAS_S23_1836_10.laz",
  "pdal_version": "1.6.0 (git-version: 94ad83)",
          "maxx": -76.2527221,
          "maxy": 37.9068695,
          "maxz": -5.777103023,
          "minx": -76.2571767,
          "miny": 37.9028129,
          "minz": -35.71281856
        "boundary": {
   "coordinates" : [
         [ -76.257176700000002, 37.902812900000001 ],
         [ -76.257176700000002, 37.906869499999999 ],
         [ -76.2527221, 37.906869499999999 ],
         [ -76.2527221, 37.902812900000001 ],
         [ -76.257176700000002, 37.902812900000001 ]
   "type" : "Polygon"

          "maxx": -76.2527221,
          "maxy": 37.9068695,
          "maxz": 29.966,
          "minx": -76.2571767,
          "miny": 37.9028129,
          "minz": 0.024
        "boundary": {

pdal info on the output laz file gives:
  "filename": "\/data\/albers_20100503_LAS_S23_1836_10.laz",
  "pdal_version": "1.6.0 (git-version: 94ad83)",
          "maxx": -76.25185156,
          "maxy": 37.90686951,
          "maxz": -5.77,
          "minx": -76.25806657,
          "miny": 37.9021939,
          "minz": -35.72
        "boundary": {
   "coordinates" : [
         [ -76.258066569999997, 37.903041880000004 ],
         [ -76.257028300000002, 37.90686951 ],
         [ -76.251851560000006, 37.90602148 ],
         [ -76.252890100000002, 37.9021939 ],
         [ -76.258066569999997, 37.903041880000004 ]
   "type" : "Polygon"

          "maxx": 1707557.2,
          "maxy": 1830350.12,
          "maxz": -5.77,
          "minx": 1707096.44,
          "miny": 1829911.69,
          "minz": -35.72
        "boundary": {

Am I missing a switch in the translate command?


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