[pdal] Using the pgpointcloud plugin.

David Serret Mayer david.serret at eigendynamics.com
Wed Aug 29 06:29:29 PDT 2018

Hello again,

I am now trying to use the PgReader and PgWriter. But I have also two

The first one is that the headers of PgReader and PgWriter (any of the
plugins really) are not installed with pdal, so I am sourcing them from the
folder where the project was cloned *for now*

The second one is configuring the CMakeLists file. The project uses a macro
but I can't figure out how to make it work.

Simply importing the file gives me a lot of compilation errors:

such as #include "libpq-fe.h" not found
and if I correct that with the proper <postgres/pq..... > header it gives
me some more errors about libxml

The tests of Pgwriter does indeed work btw.

#include <pdal/filters/ChipperFilter.hpp>
#include <io/BufferReader.hpp>
#include "~/db/pdal/plugins/pgpointcloud/io/PgCommon.hpp"
#include "~/db/pdal/plugins/pgpointcloud/io/PgWriter.hpp"

int main()
    using namespace pdal;

This is the Cmake I am using:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)

find_package(PDAL 1.0.0 REQUIRED CONFIG)

link_directories( /usr/local/)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11")

add_executable(chipper chipper.cpp)

add_executable(database db.cpp)

It is obvious that is is not designed to work like this.
Thank you for your help guys!

*David Serret *- R&D Engineer at Eigen Dynamics SL
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