[pdal] Using the pgpointcloud plugin.

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Wed Aug 29 07:27:26 PDT 2018

On 8/29/18 8:29 AM, David Serret Mayer wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am now trying to use the PgReader and PgWriter. But I have also two
> problems.

Is there a reason you want to use the concrete implementations rather
than PipelineManager and a JSON-specified pipeline? The latter is going
to be *way* easier and more flexible, and you'll be swimming with the
current rather than against it.

> The first one is that the headers of PgReader and PgWriter (any of the
> plugins really) are not installed with pdal, so I am sourcing them from the
> folder where the project was cloned *for now*

Headers from plugins are not installed generally.

> It is obvious that is is not designed to work like this.
> Thank you for your help guys!

Things are designed so you generally shouldn't have to use the concrete
implementation classes at all. Was there a specific reason you were
headed down this path, or did you end up here because our docs missed
telling you this somewhere along the way?


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