[pdal] readers.slpk: Failed to fetch info

David Lewis dlewi146 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 15:26:15 PDT 2019

I've modified my code to use "filters.info" like yours and it still is
giving me that error. I have also verified that the directory I am
extracting the file into has sufficient space and write permissions. Are
you using the same file that I sent in the .zip file or is that a different
SLPK file?


On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 12:26 PM Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>

> I have no trouble with this using a conda install of pdal and the
> python-pdal extension.  SLPK files are unzipped to temp space before
> they're actually read.  If you have no temp space, I could see a failure
> like this.  Make sure you have /tmp that has sufficient space to hold the
> slpk file (it's not compressed) or the TMP environment variable is set to a
> location that has sufficient space.
> Here's the script I used, which is yours, slightly modified:
> import pdal
> import numpy as np
> import sys
> import getopt
> ## TODO: begin placing some components of the test harness into functions
> ## TODO: Clean up the code in general
> ## TODO: Make sure to clean up pipeline options specifically and make it
> all more flexible and ready for various input
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     filepath = "autzen.slpk"
>     print("Using {0}".format(filepath))
>     pipeline_convert_tif = """
>     {{
>         "pipeline":[
>             {{
>                 "type":"readers.slpk",
>                 "filename":"{0}"
>             }},
>             {{
>                 "type":"filters.info"
>             }}
>         ]
>     }}""".format(filepath)
>     # Start the pipeline work
>     pipeline = pdal.Pipeline(pipeline_convert_tif)
>     pipeline.validate() # Validate that defined pipeline is OK
>     pipeline.loglevel = 8
>     count = pipeline.execute()
>     arrays = pipeline.arrays
>     metadata = pipeline.metadata
>     print (metadata)
>     log = pipeline.log
> Here's the start of the output:
> $ python test.py
> Using autzen.slpk
> {
>   "metadata":
>   {
>     "":
>     [
>       {
>       },
>       {
>       }
>     ],
>     "filters.info":
>     [
>       {
>         "bbox":
>         {
>           "maxx": -123.0628514,
>           "maxy": 44.06225365,
>           "maxz": 163.62028,
>           "minx": -123.0749718,
>           "miny": 44.050197,
>           "minz": 124.16028
>         },
>         "dimensions": "X, Y, Z, Intensity, ClassFlags, Flag,
> NumberOfReturns, ReturnNumber, UserData, PointSourceId, GpsTime,
> ScanAngleRank",
>         "num_points": 106,
>         "schema":
>         {
>           "dimensions":
>           [
>             {
>               "name": "X",
>               "size": 8,
>               "type": "floating"
>             },
>             {
>               "name": "Y",
>               "size": 8,
>               "type": "floating"
>             },
> ...
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 12:16 PM David Lewis <dlewi146 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm running this from a Bash terminal on an Ubuntu operating system.
>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 12:15 PM Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What platform are you using?
>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 9:32 AM David Lewis <dlewi146 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Attached is the relevant lines of code.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 6:52 AM Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It would help if you would post the program that is generating the
>>>>> error.
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019, 11:49 PM David Lewis <dlewi146 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm trying to run the SLPK reader in a pipeline I've written using
>>>>>> the Python API. I'm using the SMALL_AUTZEN_LAS_ALL.slpk file found at
>>>>>> https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/tree/master/test/data/i3s .
>>>>>> Whenever I attempt to run this via the Python script, I get an error
>>>>>> message :
>>>>>> "RuntimeError: readers.slpk: Failed to fetch info: Could not read
>>>>>> file /tmp/SMALL_AUTZEN_LAS_ALL/3dSceneLayer.json.gz"
>>>>>> After looking at the code on Github, this appears to be something
>>>>>> that is called no matter when the SLPK extraction process throws an error,
>>>>>> though this could be wrong.
>>>>>> I'm not trying to do anything with filters yet, I'm simply trying to
>>>>>> read in the SLPK using readers.slpk. Is this a known issue that occurs?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> David Lewis
>>>>>> Undergraduate Imaging Science
>>>>>> Rochester Institute of Technology
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>>> --
>>> Andrew Bell
>>> andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
> --
> Andrew Bell
> andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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