[pdal] Point cloud viewer in QGIS

Nicolas Cadieux njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 09:30:11 PDT 2020


It’s nice to know that. Whatever you do, it would be nice to make use of the GPU calculation capabilities when you write your code.  I have Hundreds of billions of points If you need someone for testing.

Nicolas Cadieux
Ça va bien aller!

> Le 6 juill. 2020 à 11:59, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Nicolas
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 5:05 PM Nicolas Cadieux
>> <njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com> wrote:
>> But I am wondering if you can work using the new mesh engine that is now in QGIS?  Can you build on top of that or is that a completely different ball game?  You could at least contact the programmers  that did that part for some inspiration.
> The mesh layer support in QGIS has been worked on mostly by my
> colleagues at Lutra Consulting and previously by myself when it was
> still a QGIS plugin, so I am familiar with the internals. Mesh layer
> in QGIS has a bit different background and focus (at least for now) -
> it has been mostly used for visualization of flood models or
> oceanographic/climate data with time series data on vertices or faces.
> Generally, these models have complexity in order of thousands of
> elements, exceptionally few millions of elements, so the mesh layer
> data structures in QGIS are not really prepared to deal with millions
> or billions of points that are common with point clouds.
> Regards
> Martin

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