[pdal] PDAL Read/Write with PDAL from S3

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Jul 13 07:45:56 PDT 2020

> On Jul 13, 2020, at 9:12 AM, Marie Sanchez <marie_sanchez74 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for you answer Howard.
> So, if I have en EC2 with 60Go of storage and a las file of 200Go in S3 it won't work,
> the temp file will  however try to download 200Go at once and then reupload the converted data once it is finished ?


> So, it would be the same as If I downloaded the file locally, convert it with pdal and reupload the data, is that right ?


> My goal is to don't use a lot of storage of my EC2 and instead use S3, like entwine does read and write to S3.

You'll have to take responsibility for data management yourself. Alternatively, you can try TileDB as Norman suggests.


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