[pdal] pdal tindex srs

Jim Klassen klassen.js at gmail.com
Tue May 26 12:22:53 PDT 2020

On 5/26/20 2:15 PM, Howard Butler wrote:
>> On May 26, 2020, at 2:04 PM, Jim Klassen <klassen.js at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  From what I can tell, when `pdal tindex` stores an EPSG srs in a tileindex, it omits the vertical component.  (I haven't tested if this also applies to when it stores proj strings).
> Bug. It's trying to auto-identify an EPSG code for you when it writes the tile index. Please file a bug to change this to write compound WKT.
>> Is there a way to convince "readers.tindex" to read the SRS from the LAZ header instead of the tileindex column?
> This should maybe be the default behavior anyway for readers.tindex. The SRS column in the tile index is a convenience for upstream users of the tile index files themselves, not for PDAL. It would be one way to do some kind of default/override scenario, but that is not as common as do the expected thing of reading the SRS from the files. Please file a ticket on this one too.
> Howard

Will do.

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