[pdal] LiDAR Job Opportunity

Harrison Knoll harrison at rockrobotic.com
Tue Aug 10 15:10:26 PDT 2021

Greetings PDAL Community!

Hello from Indiana Drones / ROCK robotic!  I am the host of Indiana Drones
YouTube and co-founder of ROCK robotic.  Over this past year we have
introduced the most simple and affordable high accuracy LiDAR into the
market and the response has been overwhelming.  (In a good way)  At the
same time we launched the ROCK Cloud - the full LiDAR processing suite that
is in the cloud.  This has enabled LiDAR users to get easy access to LiDAR
deliverables and a platform to host and share their data.  This is
compounded by our open mindset on information and support.  Today, I can
say, we are bringing LiDAR to the masses! With SImplicity and Efficiency in
every step.

But, we are still building and have a lot of challenges ahead of us.
Everything isn't great, but with great talent density comes great
achievements. We are looking for you to join our team - and help change the
trajectory of an industry and in the process create a whole new one!

If you think you have what it takes and want to jump in and own it - then
shoot me an email at Harrison at rockrobotic.com



*For immediate assistance on inquires, please reach out
to: sales at Rockrobotic.com  <sales at Rockrobotic.com>*

*For immediate support, please reach out to: support at Rockrobotic.com
<support at Rockrobotic.com>*

[image: photo]
*Harrison Knoll*

(720) 677-7634

Harrison at ROCKrobotic.com

www.ROCKrobotic.com <http://www.rockrobotic.com/>
San Francisco, CA

[image: Social icon]
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