[pdal] Classify a point cloud using a raster or vectorial file

Raúl Casado Barbero raul.casado at eez.csic.es
Mon Apr 29 06:39:25 PDT 2024


Is there a way to classify a point cloud based on a rater or vectorial 
file using PDAL?

When flying a drone it has 2 sensors (lidar and multispectral). With the 
second one we can calculate several vegetation indices that help us to 
differentiate soil from vegetation in a raster.

Our idea is to classify the points that correspond to the ground in 
order to create a dtm. Then we can subtract the dsm created from the 
point cloud and the dtm to obtain the phytovolume.

The problem is that it is not clear to me if it is possible to classify 
a point cloud with PDAL using a raster.

A colleague of the list has told me that maybe it can be done with 
/filters.colorization /but I don't know exactly if it is like that or 
how to indicate to the tool that the raster information has to go to the 
classification and not to the color bands.

Could someone give me a hand or a hint on how to follow?

Best regards and thanks.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Raúl Casado Barbero
Servicio de Evaluación, Restauración y Protección de Agrosistemas Mediterráneos
Estacion Experimental del Zaidin, CSIC
Calle Profesor Albareda 1, 18008 Granada, Spain
Phone: +34 958181600 VolP CSIC 439186
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