[pdal] Conda install/update of Jupyter breaks PDAL python

Nick Holshouser nickholshouser at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 11:20:09 PST 2024

Hello everyone,

I recently installed Jupyter into a conda environment with pdal-python
already installed and working and it broke pdal due to draco getting
updated from 1.5.6 (works with pdal 2.5.6) to draco 1.5.7 which brings with
lib/libdraco.9.dylib -> libdraco.9.0.0.dylib
/libdraco.dylib -> libdraco.9.0.0.dylib
.  thus causing: '@rpath/libdraco.8.dylib error not found.

used lib/libpdal_plugin_reader_draco.15.6.0.dylib which needs

you need to specify draco==1.5.6 to avoid this, which is easier than
downgrading it (takes less time), but downgrading works also

try: conda install example_package 'draco<=1.5.6'

regards, Nick
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