[pdal] What attributes would you add to your pointcloud

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Tue Jul 9 07:21:04 PDT 2024

> On Jul 8, 2024, at 10:17 AM, Sion Williams via pdal <pdal at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> I am in the process of creating a whole country EPT Entwine pointfile.
> I wondering what attributes would the developers/readers add to their pointfile to use for filtering.
> I was thinking:
>   normalising the 'intensity' values as so i can compare different dataset from different light days (investigating identifying with intensity identifying drystone walls, conifers trees),
>  Aspect, slope, local relief, Height Above Ground for features.

All of these are useful. There is a cost to keeping them all around, however.

> On another note: where do we heap praise on the developers. I had no knowledge of how to do anything with point lidar until I had a major question at work on finding hedgerows under trees. 

Sounds like a fun project.

> And following on from that i have nearly finished doing a whole country pointcloud in Entwine.

Which country?

> All this was possible thanks to your simplicity in your PDAL software and ChaptGPT.

We take pride in people being able to have success with PDAL without intervention by the developers. This is the definition of success for an open source project as far as I'm concerned.


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