[pgrouting-dev] Some GSoC ideas about pgRouting

Maoguang Wang xjtumg1007 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 21:22:52 PST 2017

Hi, Vicky

Thanks for your guidance! I really appreciate your patience!

I will finish the work as soon as possible.

Maoguang Wang

2017-02-25 7:46 GMT+08:00 Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de>:

> Hello Wang
> I must insist in the following:
> Please read carefully:
> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-Ideas
> specially the section:
> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-Ideas#for-g
> soc-2017-we-require-applicants-to
> and communicate with us in gitter so we can have a conversation
> https://gitter.im/pgRouting/pgrouting
> and guidance about what you are required to do to consider you as a
> possible candidate for GSoC on pgRouting
> (I've being working with the requirements on other 2 possible candidates)
> Starting on Monday we will be talking about the possible contributions
> (how easy/hard they are)
> *its urgent for you to start the gitter communication.*
> Vicky
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Maoguang Wang <xjtumg1007 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not interested in developing an application using pgRouting.
>> Instead, I am exceedingly interested in pgRouting itself and algorithms. I
>> have coded many algorithms problems with C++ and Python, pgRouting and GSoC
>> are precious chances for me to get in touch with open source world.
>> Here are my ideas about pgRouting, I'm really appreciated with any advice
>> from yours :)
>> Ideas:
>>          1> about C++ Boost graph algorithms, there are still some graph
>> algorithms not in pgRouting(planer graph algorithms, etc.)
>>          2> about Vehicle Routing Problem: Pickup and Delivery, use
>> shortest path algorithms(Dijkstra, Dijkstra + Heap, Bellman Ford, SPFA,
>> etc.)
>>          3> about Support for variable priorities (order, vehicle), maybe
>> use Astar algorithms is better.
>>          4> about Chinese Postman Problem, it's an easy problem on
>> undirect graph.Otherwise, this problem is NP-Hard.Maybe heuristic
>> algorithms(Astar etc.) will be helpful.Use Kruskal algorithms(only consider
>> vertices with odd degree) to make MST and match these vertices, then we get
>> approximate solution with less time complexity.
>> Thanks,
>> Maoguang Wang
>> 2017-02-24 22:32 GMT+08:00 Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de>:
>>> Hello Wang.
>>> From the last mail you sent, looks like you want to develop an
>>> application *using* pgRouting, for GSoC in the pgRouting project, we
>>> want people to develop *more functionality into* pgRouting. Maybe some
>>> other projects use pgRouting to develop their functionality.
>>> Please read carefully:
>>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-Ideas
>>> specially the section:
>>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/GSoC-Ideas#for-g
>>> soc-2017-we-require-applicants-to
>>> and communicate with us in gitter so we can have a conversation
>>> https://gitter.im/pgRouting/pgrouting
>>> regards
>>> Vicky
>>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Maoguang Wang <xjtumg1007 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi, everyone,
>>>> I come again :)
>>>> I have been configuring the development environment(PostgreSQL+PostGIS+PgRouting)
>>>> last day. I have done this work on my MacBook today morning. Now I can use
>>>> functions in PgRouting to analyze map of Beijing :)
>>>> I used 'shp2pgsql' to convert shp file into sql file and imported it to
>>>> my database. And 'pgr_dijkstra' allowed me to run Shortest Path Algorithm
>>>> on my database. Finally I used 'pgsql2shp' to export results as shp file.
>>>> So that I can show them by Arcmap.
>>>> I have exceedingly interested in PgRouting(and other open source
>>>> libraries) and I will continue to read source code of PgRouting and learn
>>>> how to develop it. But I'm not sure whether learning more about PostgreSQL
>>>> and PostGIS would help. I wonder if you could give me some advices about
>>>> it. :)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Maoguang Wang
>>>> 2017-02-23 13:26 GMT+08:00 Daniel Kastl <daniel at georepublic.de>:
>>>>> Hi Maoguang,
>>>>> Thank you for introducing yourself!
>>>>> Still mentoring organizations for this year's GSoC have not been
>>>>> approved yet, but you can read through the pgRouting GSoC Wiki page:
>>>>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 1:55 PM, Maoguang Wang <xjtumg1007 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, everyone,
>>>>>>      I am currently a second year student majoring in Information and
>>>>>> Computing Science.
>>>>>>      I am familier with graph algorithms(I got ACM-ICPC 2016
>>>>>> China-Final Gold Medal last year) and would love to contribute to pgRouting
>>>>>> in GSoC this year.
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> pgrouting-dev mailing list
>>>>>> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
>>>>> --
>>>>> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
>>>>> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
>>>>> Web: https://georepublic.info
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> pgrouting-dev mailing list
>>>>> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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>>>> pgrouting-dev mailing list
>>>> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
>>> --
>>> Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
>>> Salzmannstraße 44,
>>> 81739 München, Germany
>>> Vicky Vergara
>>> Operations Research
>>> eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
>>> Web: https://georepublic.info
>>> Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
>>> Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9
>>> Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
>>> CEO: Daniel Kastl
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> pgrouting-dev mailing list
>>> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
>> _______________________________________________
>> pgrouting-dev mailing list
>> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
> --
> Georepublic UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
> Salzmannstraße 44,
> 81739 München, Germany
> Vicky Vergara
> Operations Research
> eMail: vicky at georepublic.de
> Web: https://georepublic.info
> Tel: +49 (089) 4161 7698-1
> Fax: +49 (089) 4161 7698-9
> Commercial register: Amtsgericht München, HRB 181428
> CEO: Daniel Kastl
> _______________________________________________
> pgrouting-dev mailing list
> pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/pgrouting-dev
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