[pgrouting-dev] GSoC 18: Truck and Trailer routing problem

Sourabh Garg sourabh.gargcd.mat14 at iitbhu.ac.in
Tue Mar 6 10:15:23 PST 2018

Hello Every one,

I am Sourabh Garg, a prefinal undergraduate student at IIT(BHU), India. Here
the link to my proposal for GSoC 18 titled* "Truck and Trailer routing
problem"*. Please provide your valuable feedback.

*Sourabh Garg*
Senior Undergraduate
Mathematics and Computing
Indian Institute of Technology(BHU) Varanasi <http://iitbhu.ac.in/>
LinkedIn: Sourabh Garg <https://www.linkedin.com/in/sourabh-garg-14658a110/>
Mobile: +91-8764021751
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