[pgrouting-users] pgRouting network tutorial

Sajeer... sajeertk15 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 02:27:53 EST 2010

I am not sure about my understanding on your question is correct. And this
may help you.

To restrict a rout we are giving a reverse-cost along with source and target
as parameters to shortest path algorithm.
In your case you should first assign some constant values to each
restrictions(ex. one-way, heavy traffic roads, to restrict u-turns like
More the reverse-cost restriction also will be more.
for example,

     Consider a road with  less traffic,two-way and high road capacity
                   traffic_const_min = 1(for avg traffic give 50 ,high
traffic give 100)
                   two_way_const =1 (one_way_const say 100)
                   road_capacity_more = 1 (for narrow roads give 100)

           and reverse-cost =


Sajeer T.K.

Mobile:  +966-560362982
Email:   sajeertk15 at gmail.com
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