[pgrouting-users] Fwd: NiuRouting, PgRouting for SQLite

Max Weninger max.weninger at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 16:49:15 EST 2012


On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 22:12:02 +0100
Max Weninger <max.weninger at gmail.com> wrote:

> Additional I use a bbox filter based on geom data of the "edges"
> which is stored in the DB

Using spatialite you could use a query like this
to fetch only the edges withing a bbox

 SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverseCost FROM
    edgeTable WHERE MbrWithin("geom", BuildMbr(lonMin, latMin, lonMax,
    latMax, 4326))==1

The geom column of the edges can be e.g. a LINESTRING of
the start end endpoint of the edge



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