[pgrouting-users] pgrouting2 and turn restrictions

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Oct 25 07:26:15 PDT 2013

On 10/22/2013 4:50 AM, Yaron Lev wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small question.
> Most of the algos do not take turn restrictions into account.

Yes this is correct. Only the TRSP code handles turn restrictions.

> If wanted to use for example pgr_ksp (k-shortest path) for example, then
> that algo will not take turn restrictions into account.

It might be feasible to implement the KSP algorithm on top of TRSP.
If you are interested in developing something and submitting a pull 
request or funding this it would be a great contribution. Or if you have 
funding, we can look at getting getting something developed.

> The only way i could think about making the algo's work, is to rewire
> the graph table, so that nodes with turn restrictions, will be removed
> and instead adding longer edges instead to cover all the travel options.
> (for each edge, that contains the node in question, append and rewire,
> its a bit complicated but you should get the idea from my very limited
> description)

Yes, when I researched ways to solve turn restriction, I did find 
articles about how it is possible to reconstruct a graph around turn 
restrictions by removing and adding edges to make a "regular" graph that 
would generate the equivalent of the turn restricted routes. But it 
seemed very complicated.

> My question is, is there such a tool which extends the graph table as
> produced by either osm2po or osm2pgrouting for turn restrictions?

Not that I know of. I think the OSM routing engine does support turn 
restrictions, but it is not part of pgRouting.

> Is there a different solution i am missing?

Sorry not that I know of. This is a good suggestion.


> Thanks for your help!
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