[Portugal] Suchith Anand: Slides of all presentations in SASIG 2015 (Lisbon) now available

Artur Gil arturgil gmail.com
Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2015 - 04:30:38 PDT

----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
*De:* Suchith Anand

The slides of all presentations SASIG 2015 in Lisbon last week are now
available at http://osgeopt.pt/sasig2015/

I was impressed with  the amazing breadth and depth of research and
activities they are doing in Portugal. On behalf of "Geo for All", i thank
the organisers for inviting me as keynote presenter for sharing our ideas
on the Importance of Openness in GeoEducation and on Open Geospatial

Open Geospatial Science  presentation at

Openness in GeoEducation presentation at

My thanks to the organisors and University of Lisbon for the excellent
arrangements.It was really great opportunity to meet many colleagues in
Portugal  and  i also had good discussions with colleagues there to start
the process for establishing the first dedicated Open Source Geospatial
Lab  in Portugal this year (we will get the good news soon).

Best wishes,

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