[postgis-devel] ESRI link to docs

Magnus Hagander magnus at hagander.net
Wed Sep 10 01:17:07 PDT 2008

Obe, Regina wrote:
> I just noticed ESRI has a link to the PostGIS docs.  Kind of
> heart-warming.  Too bad the link to the pdf gives a 404.  Perhaps we
> should fix that.
> http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisserver/9.3/java/index.htm#geodatabases/using_th485132809.htm

I've got some contacts at ESRI who should be able to fix that for a
future version. But if it's a PDF, it's likely that fixing it will take
some time, so doing a redirect to the proper thing would work as well :-)

Is there a permalink they should be using?


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