[postgis-devel] Enabling wagyu by default

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Thu May 30 10:07:16 PDT 2019

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 06:36:06PM +0200, Raúl Marín Rodríguez wrote:
> > Could you refresh my memory about what does it mean to be a "backend"
> It's used on ST_AsMVTGeom to transform polygons to the MVT "projection", that is
> substituting GEOS to do the clipping and validation. Lines and points
> are still routed to GEOS (just clipping).

Ok, but the "backend" term and the "default" term make me think it is
configurable by user, is it ? Documentation does not say, even for

> > BTW, do you happen to have a list of known softwares using the
> ST_AsMVT function to generate tiles ? It could be nice to have
> similar lists on PostGIS wiki
> Apart from CARTO's Windshaft, I've only head of
> https://github.com/urbica/martin.

Ah right, I forgot Windshaft did MVT output !
So, do you think it's worth adding some links to the postgis
wiki (or manual?) for known users of those functions ?


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