[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #3607: ST_LocateBetweenElevations failing on typed collections

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Aug 5 01:22:32 PDT 2016

#3607: ST_LocateBetweenElevations failing on typed collections
 Reporter:  komzpa   |      Owner:  pramsey
     Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  medium   |  Milestone:  PostGIS 2.3.0
Component:  postgis  |    Version:  2.2.x
 Keywords:           |
 I observe the following inconsistency:


 [local] gis at gis=# select
 ST_AsText(ST_LocateBetweenElevations('MULTILINESTRING Z((0 0 0, 10 10
 10))'::geometry, 11, 11));
 ERROR:  XX000: lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range clipping routine returned
 LOCATION:  pg_error, lwgeom_pg.c:164
 Time: 0,408 ms
 [local] gis at gis=# select ST_AsText(ST_LocateBetweenElevations('LINESTRING
 Z(0 0 0, 10 10 10)'::geometry, 11, 11));
 │        st_astext        │
 (1 row)

 Time: 0,393 ms

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/3607>
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