[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch stable-3.1 updated. 3.1.3-19-g10d45cd

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Sat Jul 31 21:17:16 PDT 2021

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, stable-3.1 has been updated
       via  10d45cd93110492470248196ee46c6692c60da4f (commit)
      from  434494e5547cf76be048bb3d72b6c311866d837d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 10d45cd93110492470248196ee46c6692c60da4f
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Sun Aug 1 00:17:12 2021 -0400

    Fixes and enhancements for postgis_tiger_geocoder. Closes #4958 Closes #4959 for PostGIS 3.1.4

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 16873a7..ce6bd1f 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ PostGIS 3.1.4dev
   - #4919, Rare crash in selectivity calculation (Paul Ramsey)
   - #4926, Preserve SRID on unions of empty geometry (Paul Ramsey)
   - #4910, Allow repeated points in GML input poslists (Paul Ramsey)
+  - #4958, TIGER2020 fix faces and add Tabblock20 (Regina Obe)
+  - #4959, Drop Colorado state files also drops national county tables (Regina Obe)
 PostGIS 3.1.3
diff --git a/extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2020.sql b/extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2020.sql
index 098a4ef..cee7230 100644
--- a/extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2020.sql
+++ b/extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2020.sql
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 -- PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
 -- http://postgis.net
--- Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Regina Obe and Leo Hsu
+-- Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Regina Obe and Leo Hsu
 -- Paragon Corporation
 -- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
@@ -116,6 +116,27 @@ $$
   COST 100;
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tiger.tabblock20
+    statefp character varying(2) ,
+    countyfp character varying(3) ,
+    tractce character varying(6) ,
+    blockce character varying(4) ,
+    geoid character varying(15) ,
+    name character varying(10) ,
+    mtfcc character varying(5) ,
+    ur character varying(1) ,
+    uace character varying(5) ,
+    uatype character varying(1) ,
+    funcstat character varying(1) ,
+    aland double precision,
+    awater double precision,
+    intptlat character varying(11) ,
+    intptlon character varying(12) ,
+    the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,4269),
+    CONSTRAINT pk_tabblock20 PRIMARY KEY (geoid)
 -- Helper function that generates script to drop all tables in a particular schema for a particular table
 -- This is useful in case you need to reload a state
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_state_tables_generate_script(param_state text, param_schema text DEFAULT 'tiger_data')
@@ -123,7 +144,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drop_state_tables_generate_script(param_state text, p
 SELECT array_to_string(array_agg('DROP TABLE ' || quote_ident(table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(table_name) || ';'),E'\n')
 	FROM (SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
-	WHERE table_schema = $2 AND table_name like lower($1) || '_%' ORDER BY table_name) AS foo;
+	WHERE table_schema = $2 AND table_name like lower($1) || '~_%' ESCAPE '~' ORDER BY table_name) AS foo;
@@ -254,7 +275,9 @@ COMMENT ON COLUMN loader_lookuptables.website_root_override IS 'Path to use for
 INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
 VALUES(10, 'tract', 'tract', true, false, true,false, 'c',
 '${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (tract_id) ) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name}); " ',
-	'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid TO tract_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
+	'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid IF EXISTS TO tract_id;
+	ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid10 IF EXISTS TO tract_id;
+	SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
 	${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
 	${psql} -c "VACUUM ANALYZE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"
 	${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"', ARRAY['gid']);
@@ -262,12 +285,21 @@ VALUES(10, 'tract', 'tract', true, false, true,false, 'c',
 INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
 VALUES(11, 'tabblock', 'tabblock10', false, false, true,false, 'c',
 '${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (tabblock_id)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
-'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid10 TO tabblock_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
+'${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid10 TO tabblock_id;
+SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
 ${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"
 ${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
 ${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"', '{gid, uatyp10, uatype, suffix1ce}'::text[]);
 INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
+VALUES(11, 'tabblock20', 'tabblock20', false, false, true,false, 'c',
+'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (geoid)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
+'${psql} -c "SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
+${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"
+${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
+${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"', '{gid}'::text[]);
+INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
 VALUES(12, 'bg', 'bg', false,false, true,false, 'c',
 '${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (bg_id)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
 '${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${staging_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} RENAME geoid TO bg_id;  SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower(''${state_abbrev}_${table_name}''), lower(''${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}'')); "
@@ -310,22 +342,27 @@ ${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_the_geom_
 ${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX idx_${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_countyfp ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING btree(countyfp);"');
 INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, level_nation, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
-VALUES(13, 'zcta5_raw', 'zcta510', false,false, false,true, false, 'c',
+VALUES(13, 'zcta5_raw', 'zcta520', false,false, false,true, false, 'c',
 	'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${lookup_name}( zcta5 character varying(5), classfp character varying(2),mtfcc character varying(5), funcstat character varying(1), aland double precision, awater double precision, intptlat character varying(11), intptlon character varying(12), the_geom geometry(MultiPolygon,4269) );"',
 $post_load$${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE tiger.zcta5 DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS enforce_geotype_the_geom; CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.zcta5_all(CONSTRAINT pk_zcta5_all PRIMARY KEY (zcta5ce,statefp), CONSTRAINT uidx_${lookup_name}_all_gid UNIQUE (gid)) INHERITS(tiger.zcta5);"
 ${psql} -c "SELECT loader_load_staged_data(lower('${table_name}'), lower('${lookup_name}'));"
 ${psql} -c "INSERT INTO ${data_schema}.zcta5_all(statefp, zcta5ce, classfp, mtfcc, funcstat, aland, awater, intptlat, intptlon, partflg, the_geom) SELECT  s.statefp, z.zcta5,  z.classfp, z.mtfcc, z.funcstat, z.aland, z.awater, z.intptlat, z.intptlon, CASE WHEN ST_Covers(s.the_geom, z.the_geom) THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END, ST_SnapToGrid(ST_Transform(CASE WHEN ST_Covers(s.the_geom, z.the_geom) THEN ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(ST_Transform(z.the_geom,2163),1000) ELSE ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(ST_Intersection(ST_Transform(s.the_geom,2163), ST_Transform(z.the_geom,2163)),1000)  END,4269), 0.000001) As geom FROM ${data_schema}.zcta5_raw AS z INNER JOIN tiger.state AS s ON (ST_Covers(s.the_geom, z.the_geom) or ST_Overlaps(s.the_geom, z.the_geom) );"
 	${psql} -c "DROP TABLE ${data_schema}.zcta5_raw; CREATE INDEX idx_${data_schema}_zcta5_all_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.zcta5_all USING gist(the_geom);"$post_load$
-, ARRAY['gid','geoid','geoid10', 'partflg']);
+, ARRAY['gid','geoid','geoid10', 'geoid20', 'partflg']);
-INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process )
+INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
 VALUES(6, 'faces', 'faces', true, true, false,false, 'c',
 	'${psql} -c "CREATE TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name}(CONSTRAINT pk_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} PRIMARY KEY (gid)) INHERITS(tiger.${lookup_name});" ',
 	'${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX ${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${table_name}_the_geom_gist ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING gist(the_geom);"
 	${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX idx_${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name}_tfid ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} USING btree (tfid);"
 	${psql} -c "CREATE INDEX idx_${data_schema}_${state_abbrev}_${table_name}_countyfp ON ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${table_name} USING btree (countyfp);"
 	${psql} -c "ALTER TABLE ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name} ADD CONSTRAINT chk_statefp CHECK (statefp = ''${state_fips}'');"
-	${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"');
+	${psql} -c "vacuum analyze ${data_schema}.${state_abbrev}_${lookup_name};"', ARRAY['gid', 'geoid','cpi','suffix1ce', 'statefp00', 'statefp10', 'countyfp00','countyfp10'
+   ,'tractce00','tractce10', 'blkgrpce00', 'blkgrpce10', 'blockce00', 'blockce10'
+      , 'cousubfp00', 'submcdfp00', 'conctyfp00', 'placefp00', 'aiannhfp00', 'aiannhce00',
+       'comptyp00', 'trsubfp00', 'trsubce00', 'anrcfp00', 'elsdlea00', 'scsdlea00',
+       'unsdlea00', 'uace00', 'cd108fp', 'sldust00', 'sldlst00', 'vtdst00', 'zcta5ce00',
+       'tazce00', 'ugace00', 'puma5ce00','vtdst10','tazce10','uace10','puma5ce10','tazce', 'uace', 'vtdst',  'zcta5ce10', 'puma5ce', 'ugace10','pumace10', 'estatefp', 'ugace', 'blockce']);
 INSERT INTO loader_lookuptables(process_order, lookup_name, table_name, load, level_county, level_state, single_geom_mode, insert_mode, pre_load_process, post_load_process, columns_exclude )
 VALUES(7, 'featnames', 'featnames', true, true, false,false, 'a',


Summary of changes:
 NEWS                                        |  2 ++
 extras/tiger_geocoder/tiger_loader_2020.sql | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


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