[PostGIS] #5763: Berrie64 PostgreSQL support not building with XML support

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 12 07:19:24 PDT 2024

#5763: Berrie64 PostgreSQL support  not building with XML support
 Reporter:  robe        |      Owner:  robe
     Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
 Priority:  medium      |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.5.0
Component:  management  |    Version:  3.4.x
 Keywords:              |
 Berrie64 is not building with XML support so failing on garden tests.

 17:09:49  -------------- Dependencies --------------
 17:09:49   GEOS config:
 17:09:49   GEOS version:         3.13.0dev (31300)
 17:09:49   GDAL config:          /usr/bin/gdal-config
 17:09:49   GDAL version:         3.2.2
 17:09:49   PostgreSQL config:
 17:09:49   PostgreSQL version:   PostgreSQL 18devel
 17:09:49   PROJ version:         7.2.1 (70201)
 17:09:49   Libxml2 config:       /usr/bin/xml2-config
 17:09:49   Libxml2 version:      2.9.10
 17:09:49   JSON-C support:       yes
 17:09:49   protobuf support:     yes
 17:09:49   protobuf-c version:   1003003
 17:09:49   PCRE support:         Version 1
 17:09:49   Perl:                 /usr/bin/perl
 17:09:49  --------------- Extensions ---------------
 17:09:49   PostgreSQL EXTENSION support:       enabled
 17:09:49   PostGIS Raster:                     enabled
 17:09:49   PostGIS Topology:                   enabled
 17:09:49   SFCGAL support:                     disabled
 17:09:49   Address Standardizer support:       enabled
 17:09:49  -------- Documentation Generation --------
 17:09:49   xsltproc:             /usr/bin/xsltproc
 17:09:49   docbook xsl base:
 17:09:49   dblatex:              /usr/bin/dblatex
 17:09:49   convert:              /usr/bin/convert

 PostGIS garden tests in progress (it will take time)
 17:52:55 -------------------------------------------------
 17:52:55 psql -X -ad postgis_garden < \
 17:52:55        ../doc/postgis_gardentest_35.sql \
 17:52:55        > postgis_garden_result.txt 2>&1 || { \
 17:52:55        tail -n 20 postgis_garden_result.txt; false; }
 19:07:35 tail -n 20 postgis_garden_result.txt
 19:07:42                                    FROM postgis_garden_log35
 ORDER BY logid DESC LIMIT 1;UPDATE postgis_garden_log35 SET log_end =
 19:07:42 ERROR:  unsupported XML feature
 19:07:42 DETAIL:  This functionality requires the server to be built with
 libxml support.
 19:07:42                FROM (SELECT logid FROM postgis_garden_log35 ORDER
 BY logid DESC limit 1) As foo
 19:07:42                WHERE postgis_garden_log35.logid = foo.logid  AND
 postgis_garden_log35.log_end IS NULL;
 19:07:42 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until
 end of transaction block
 19:07:42 COMMIT;
 19:07:42 ROLLBACK

 I need to review this and while I'm at it will also change to build using
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5763>
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