[PostGIS] #5744: ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView() - Make optimizations based on cartesian math optional

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Thu Jun 13 04:36:31 PDT 2024

#5744: ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView() - Make optimizations based on cartesian
math optional
  Reporter:  gluser1357   |      Owner:  pramsey
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium       |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.5.0
 Component:  postgis      |    Version:  master
Resolution:               |   Keywords:
Description changed by gluser1357:

Old description:

> The latest optimizations of ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'' (see
> changes in https://github.com/postgis/postgis/pull/767) for reducing the
> resulting point number make use of cartesian math and assume that
> coordinates won't be reprojected after applying
> ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'' and before rendering.
> This is fine for common use cases where no reprojection is taking place,
> but for other use cases (where coordinates are stored e. g. as lat/lon
> values, get pre-processed with ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'',
> reprojected and rendered), rendering artifacts might occur. For such use
> cases it would make sense to turn off those optimizations that use
> cartesian math. This can be achieved by using a new flag
> ''cartesian_hint''. By default (if not specified), no optimizations are
> done.
> I'll post a link to an appropriate PR here soon.

New description:

 The latest optimizations of ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'' (see
 changes in https://github.com/postgis/postgis/pull/767) for reducing the
 resulting point number make use of cartesian math and assume that
 coordinates won't be reprojected after applying
 ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'' and before rendering.

 This is fine for common use cases where no reprojection is taking place,
 but for other use cases (where coordinates are stored e. g. as lat/lon
 values, get pre-processed with ''ST_RemoveIrrelevantPointsForView()'',
 reprojected and rendered), rendering artifacts might occur. For such use
 cases it would make sense to turn off those optimizations that use
 cartesian math. This can be achieved by using a new flag
 ''cartesian_hint''. By default (if not specified), no optimizations are

 Here the link to the PR that contains the required changes:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5744#comment:1>
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