[PostGIS] #5786: Side-location conflict: new edge starts in face 42 and ends in face 10

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Tue Oct 1 03:23:17 PDT 2024

#5786: Side-location conflict: new edge starts in face 42 and ends in face 10
  Reporter:  Lars Aksel Opsahl  |      Owner:  strk
      Type:  defect             |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium             |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.6.0
 Component:  topology           |    Version:  master
Resolution:                     |   Keywords:
Comment (by strk):

 Simplified testcase:
 select NULL FROM topology.DropTopology ('t5786');
 select NULL FROM topology.CreateTopology ('t5786');

 SELECT NULL FROM topology.TopoGeo_addLinestring('t5786', 'LINESTRING(
 11.812075769533624 59.77938755222866,
 11.811862389533625 59.77938237222866,
 11.811859819533623 59.77940927222866)

 SELECT NULL FROM topology.TopoGeo_addLinestring('t5786', 'LINESTRING(
 11.811862389533625 59.77938237222866,
 11.811969079533624 59.77938496222866,
 11.812075769533624 59.77938755222866

 SELECT * FROM ValidateTopology('t5786');

 SELECT NULL FROM topology.TopoGeo_addLinestring('t5786', 'LINESTRING(
 11.811882109533624 59.77940092222866,
 11.812061329533623 59.77938325222866

 I can reproduce with PostGIS in master branch as of commit
 [290fffd11dac294431056e6d152098ac0afe60de/git] (with the fix for #5782)

 I can ALSO reproduce with the GEOS implemented ST_Distance (
 https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/postgis/postgis/pulls/218 )
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5786#comment:1>
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