[postgis] postgis build fails

James Reid James.Reid at ed.ac.uk
Mon Dec 17 09:14:42 PST 2001

as a sequel to my earlier problem building postgis... I'm now running postgresql 7.1.3. with postgis0.6.2 but on trying to load postgis.sql to my database i get the following:

ERROR:  OperatorDef: function 'postgis_gist_sel(opaque, oid, opaque, int4)' does not exist
ERROR:  OperatorDef: function 'postgis_gist_sel(opaque, oid, opaque, int4)' does not exist

can anybody help (with a thanks to Norman Vine for spotting my deliberate mistake in my earlier post!!)

E-mail: James.Reid at ed.ac.uk                   

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