[postgis] A demonstration (or better) client

Adrian Custer acuster at nature.berkeley.edu
Sun Jul 29 15:30:57 PDT 2001

Hello everyone,

You recently discussed creating a demonstration client. I've been
wanting a Free Software replacement and enhancement of ArcView ever
since I started using it. Hopefully, we could aggree to develop two
things as a common basis for future work: a database editor and a simple

My Background:
Just so you all have an idea what my intersets are. First of all, I am
not a good programmer as I am just learing. I'd like to collaborate on a
stand alone client just like ArcView with analysis modules and with the
ability to create new data layers.I'm not terribly interested in a web
based server because I'm using GIS to do analysis not provide services.
Also my interest in analysis makes me interested in some topics that are
not of immediate interest to your project so I might go off on tangents.

On the basis for a client:
Frank suggested:
	-OpenEV		OpenGL/Python/GTK+/GDAL/PROJ4
	-Geotools	Java
Paul suggested:
	-OpenMap	Java Beans

I have not heard much about ArcGIS/Geomedia/FME. 

License Issue:
If we want to distribute the source in a usable form with PostgreSQL
then we must be able to license the code under the GPL or something
compatible. If ArcGIS is from ESRI then it is not Free so I don't think
PostGIS could use it. Also I have never quite understood if OpenMap
could be taken into a GPL project. I always assumed it could ut that is
from a layman's reading of the license.

The decision between GeoTools and OpenEV, then, is one of languages.
Java has the advantage of being usable for applets and applications.
(Maybe Python can too, I don't know.) Since I have been learing Java for
a while now, I've decided to look at Geotools for the momment. However,
for 3D imaging, it seems that OpenGL is "The Way" making more sense than
trying to use Java3D. I don't really understand the tradeoffs though.

So that's my take on things right now. I would be interested to hear
anyone's response to the alternatives. If anyone has similar interests
and any kind of clue what they are doing, I would be much more
interested in contributing in a project than undertaking this on my own.
Right now, I'm starting to build a PostgreSQL browser/editor to see how
one could have a client application and give it the name of a buch of
data sources for it to work with.  


acuster at nature.berkeley.educational.

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