[Geotools-devel] RE: [postgis-users] Geotools, Geoserver and PostGIS integration

Ian Turton i.turton at geography.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Apr 19 08:16:23 PDT 2002

At 03:32 PM 4/19/02, Rob Hranac wrote:
> > My current thinking is around a system that stores spatial
> > and attribute data in PostgreSQL using PostGIS, having this
> > data accessed via a Geoserver application server, and then
> > using Geotools to render it in a client side browser applet.
>I am also interested in similar project (for urban planning), and this
>is the reason for the GeoServer project.  My focus remains on getting
>GeoServer to v1.0 and improving WFS client support in GeoTools2, but I
>will probably work on applications of distributed GIS after I have done
>so, so I am very interested in your experiences.
> > * Geotools would probably need new supporting code to handle
> >   the WFS request/response interaction. True?
>Yes, I was thinking about adding this to GeoTools2 sometime later this
>month.  It is pretty trivial because of the existing GML parsing code,
>so if you would like to add it yourself, feel free.

Basically this would come down to putting the code Rob promised for writing 
GML in to the gmldatasource* :-)  The request generation etc shouldn't be 
too hard - have a quick look in geotools1's ogc package which deals with 
wms services.

> > * Although WFS doesn't currently specify support for
> > requesting raster datasets, would support for this in all tiers
>difficult to add? This
> > support would obviously be in an out-of-standard way until WFS matured
>enough to
> > specify an interaction.
>The WFS specification doesn't support raster datasets - rather the OGC
>has designated that the Web Coverage Server (WCS) specification should
>do this.  I am thinking of adding WCS support to GeoServer, but it will
>not be for a few months because the WCS specification is at v0.0.7 and
>far from complete.  My best guess is that WCS will come out of the
>latest OGC testbed in November.  You could always add custom raster
>support in the meantime, as you indicate.

Or you could go with a WMS to handle your rasters until coverages settle 
down - depends on what you want to do with the raster I guess.

> > Obviously any new code developed to add the kind of
> > functionality I needed could be contributed back to the
> > projects, if it was considered valuable.
>Sounds good to me.  Good luck and let keep me posted on your progress...

And the same from me.

>Best Regards,
>Rob Hranac


Ian Turton, Centre for Computational Geography, School of Geography,
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. ***0113 3433392 - New Phone No***
URL: http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/staff/i.turton/

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