[postgis] Viewing mapserver itasca demo layer using postgis

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Jan 21 12:14:55 PST 2002

Change your STATUS to DEFAULT and see if that helps.

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Okay, I've used shp2pgsql to put the ctybdpy2.shp into a table with the
> same name.  But I don't get any information on my map.  I've compiled
> postgresql and postgis from source and successfully compiled mapserver to
> support it.
> Here are my various settings - can you spy a problem?
> BTW - the only thing I have in my error_log is: gd-png warning: alpha
> channel not supported which I think is some other problem (I think it's
> from my conversion of gif->png I did earlier).
> -----------------------
> Here's the layer in the map file (it's the first layer):
>   NAME "ctybdpy2"
>   CONNECTION "dbname=testgis"
>   DATA "the_geom from ctybdpy2"
>     EXPRESSION ([cty_name] = 'Itasca')
>     OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
>     COLOR 225 225 185
>   END
>   CLASS # every other county in the state
>     EXPRESSION /./
>     OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128
>     COLOR 255 255 255
>   END
>     WMS_TITLE "County Boundary"
>     WMS_ABSTRACT "Itasca County boundary shapefile. See
> http://deli.dnr.state.mn
>     WMS_SRS "EPSG:26915"
>   END
> -----------------------
> Here are the various listings from pgsql.  Is it a permissions problem?  I
> put in permissions for nobody, is that necessary?
> testgis=# \dp
>           Access permissions for database "testgis"
>      Relation     |            Access permissions
> ------------------+-------------------------------------------
>  ctybdpy2         | {"=r","mitchtj=r","root=arwR","nobody=r"}
>  geometry_columns |
>  spatial_ref_sys  |
> (7 rows)
> testgis=# \d ctybdpy2
>              Table "ctybdpy2"
>  Attribute |       Type        | Modifier
> -----------+-------------------+----------
>  gid       | integer           |
>  area      | double precision  |
>  perimeter | double precision  |
>  cty_name  | character varying |
>  coun      | integer           |
>  cty_abbr  | character varying |
>  island    | character varying |
>  cty_fips  | integer           |
>  recno     | integer           |
>  the_geom  | geometry          |
> Constraints: (srid(the_geom) = -1)
>              ((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text) OR (the_geom
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     | Paul Ramsey
     | Refractions Research
     | Email: pramsey at refractions.net
     | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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