[postgis-users] Function for creating TIN using tripack fortrancodes

Robert W. Burgholzer rburghol at vt.edu
Thu Jun 6 08:24:40 PDT 2002

For my money, I would like to see the TINs stored as individual faces in a table.
This would enable attribute data to be stored along geographically, which is of
interest in my field, which is watershed modelling.

Now, this may increase storage wuite a bit, and anyone who was using the TIN for
purely visual purposes may prefer to store as a single entity, but I would pick
flexibility over efficiency in this case.

Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Does anyone have any thoughts, or academic references to ideas on
> storing topological structures in a spatial DB? I am thinking
> coverage-style topologies in particular. That seems like an obvious and
> useful point of attack once SFSQL is covered.

Robert Burgholzer
al·go·rithm  n.
       A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational
       procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Invented by Al Gore.
rburghol at vt.edu

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