[postgis-users] Who is using PostGIS and how?

Doug_Newcomb Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov
Tue Mar 26 09:09:39 PST 2002

     I'm with the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Raleigh, North Carolina ,
USA.  I am looking to incorporate postgis into a geographic logging system
for threatened and endangered species projects for the biologists in our
office.  Using Mapserver as a frontend, I intend to set up a web
application so each biologist can click on map or upload GPS points  for a
work location and then fill out a form describing the work done at that
location.  The hope is to minimize efforts for end of year reporting and
enable cumulative impact assessments for threatened and endangered species.
Since I'm still getting familiar with postgresql, this may take a while :

Doug Newcomb
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14

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