[postgis-users] shp2psql problem

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed Aug 27 14:53:45 PDT 2003

shp2pgsql will help you to create a text file with all the commands in it.
That's probably what you saw it doing.
You can do two things now:
1) Create a text file by appending all that text into a new file by adding
" > outputfile.sql " to the end of the shp2pgsql command.  Then you'll have
to load that sql file in via "psql".  (i.e. psql -f outputfile.sql -d
2) Or, by pass creating the text file and pipe all that text directly into
psql. (i.e. shp2pgsql ...... | psql -d mydatabasename ).

Hope that helps.  It'd be nice if shp2pgsql had two options - 1) spit out
to terminal 2) pump it through psql.


postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net wrote on 08/27/2003 02:48:20

> Hi all;
> I've seen that other problems related to shp2psql have benn posted
> to the list; but it didn't help me.
> I've an absolute beginner with postgis, and I've just installed it.
> I've got a shapefile (ESRI Arcmap8.1) that would like to import into
> Postgres. So, when I saw this program I was absolutely happy.
> I've run it and it appears to run correctly as no error message appears,
> eventually, when I look up the new table in the database it doesn't
> So, it is simply not created.
> The shapefile is rather big, (about 5000 polygons).
> What could be the source of the problem?
> Best regards
> Javier
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