[postgis-users] Center of a path.

cuicui meuh.meuh at noos.fr
Sat Jan 11 14:32:06 PST 2003

Luís Mota wrote:
 > ----- Original Message ----- From: "cuicui" <meuh.meuh at noos.fr>
 >> The problem is that this "centre" is not necessary on the path. I
 >> would like to know if a function exist and can find the centre of a
 >> path with this definition : "A point ON the path, which is half way
 >> from each end of the path".
 > Hi.
 > I had a similar need and developed a small plpgsql to compute the
 > center of a linestring. If you need this, I can send the code.
 > Best regards, Luís Mota

Yes, it would be very helpful and gentle ;o)

Thank you very much in advance,



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