[postgis-users] New Jump PostGIS plugin available in CVS

Brent Owens bowens at refractions.net
Mon Jul 12 09:21:15 PDT 2004

I have updated the Jump PostGIS plugin and committed the changes into CVS.
There were several bug fixes and some changes to the executeUpdate() method.

Please try it out and let me know if there are any bugs that cropped up.
CVS instructions can be found at http://postgis.refractions.net/download.php
Note that I have not updated the downloadable zip file on the web page, 
the changes have just been made to CVS.

Change log:
July 9, 2004
jumppostgis 1.2.0
In PostGISConnection.executeUpdate(String query, FeatureCollection 
else if( type.equals( AttributeType.DOUBLE ) ) {
            sqlBuf.append( " " + " DOUBLE," );
to read:
else if( type.equals( AttributeType.DOUBLE ) ) {
            sqlBuf.append( " " + name + " FLOAT8," );

Changed the workflow of executeUpdate to insert new features 
automatically if
they do not already exist in the database, or update them if they do.

The save dataset panel in JUMP had the insert choice button removed. It 
to "Update / Insert".
The 'unique column' text field remains and is required.

Brent Owens
Refractions Research Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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