[postgis-users] gone are my query results

Charlton Purvis cpurvis at asg.sc.edu
Sat May 1 14:46:35 PDT 2004

Hi, folks:
Bizarre and unnerving problem here.
Up until last night, mapping was fine and point-query was fine.  Now it appears that the mapping is still great, but the point query and WFS are toast.  I don't get any errors in pgsql.log or php.log.  I get . . . nothing.  Even going mapserv cgi query returns empty for a query I know should work.
Maybe I'm being taught a lesson.  In a separate database, I noticed that addgeometrycolumn was taking too long -- I create about 400 smaller tables per day.  So I commented out fix_geometry_columns(); from the addgeometrycolumn function and did it once I had finished creating all my new tables.  So am I paying the price?  Has this corrupted this database as well as my other?
If all this is OID stuff, is there any way to refresh all OID's?
Restarted . . . yes.  VACUUM and ANALYZE'd . . . yes.
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