[postgis-users] RE: gone are my query results

Gregory S. Williamson gsw at globexplorer.com
Sat May 1 15:20:54 PDT 2004

If you do the query directly to postgres (via psql or pgAdmin or whatever) does the query return results ?

If so, then my guess is that this is not a database error, at least not directly. If ot then yes, it would seem that somehow the postGIS itself has gottent snarfled.

The change you made relating the geometryColumns doesn't sound to me like it should effect queries unless somehow the SRID info for the tables in your mapserver queries got clobbered; should be easy enough to confirm that this data is ok.

I am not familiar enough with PHP and mapserver to have a clue; does the mapserver log itself show anything ?

Not much help, I'm afraid, but perhaps posting this to the MMS list would add some more knowledge to the issue at hand ?

Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC

-----Original Message-----
From:	Charlton Purvis on behalf of Charlton Purvis
Sent:	Sat 5/1/2004 2:46 PM
To:	PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject:	gone are my query results
Hi, folks:
Bizarre and unnerving problem here.
Up until last night, mapping was fine and point-query was fine.  Now it appears that the mapping is still great, but the point query and WFS are toast.  I don't get any errors in pgsql.log or php.log.  I get . . . nothing.  Even going mapserv cgi query returns empty for a query I know should work.
Maybe I'm being taught a lesson.  In a separate database, I noticed that addgeometrycolumn was taking too long -- I create about 400 smaller tables per day.  So I commented out fix_geometry_columns(); from the addgeometrycolumn function and did it once I had finished creating all my new tables.  So am I paying the price?  Has this corrupted this database as well as my other?
If all this is OID stuff, is there any way to refresh all OID's?
Restarted . . . yes.  VACUUM and ANALYZE'd . . . yes.

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