[postgis-users] using postgis cvs: how to update db?

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Mon Nov 1 07:48:55 PST 2004

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 10:02:17AM +0100, Vincent Schut wrote:
> If I use (and regularly update and install) postgis from cvs, how should 
> I keep my db up to date with the most recent postgis functionality? 
> re-issuing the (lw)postgis.sql results in errors because histogram2d 
> already exists. Should I use create_undef.pl? If yes, what is exactly 
> the command flow to update postgis and the db?

Updating postgis is still a tedious thing to do.
It is not easy to track down dependencies, and usually you end
up with a mixed postgis installation, with newer stored procedures
but older scripts.

The most clean way to do it is with a dump/reload.
Check utils/postgis_restore.pl for that.


> Thanks,
> Vincent.
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