Re: [postgis-users] compatibilité JDBC Postgis

Jean-Pierre Quirion jpquirion at
Fri Mar 4 05:45:10 PST 2005

Hi Markus,

 --- Markus Schaber <schabi at> a écrit : 
> Hi, Jean-Pierre,
> Markus Schaber schrieb:
> >>If you download postgis 1.0.0 jdbc2 as source code and you compile it
> >>with the delivered ANT build.xml, you get a jar file which contains
> >>two stub classes/interfaces (PGConnection for PG7.2 and
> >>org.postgresql.PGConnection for Postgres7.3+).
> > This clearly is a bug in the ANT file, it was not updated for the recent
> > changes.
> > The Makefile currently is the recommended way of building PostGIS jdbc2.
> > I'll see whether I can easily fix the ANT file, if not, I'll remove it.
> I just rechecked the ANT file, and currently it will not build the code
> at all, because the stubs are not part of the directories to be
> compiled. So I wonder how you got a jar out of it that contained the
> stub files. Did you patch the build.xml?

No, I did not patch build.xml, I replaced the <path id="classpath.base"> only.

I prefer ant scripts because they can be executed easily on Windows machines (you know that
starting from Postgresql 8.0 you can use Postgres/PostGis on Windows environements without
touching Unix). 

Maybe there should be a place where you can download the latest postgis.jar the same way you can
do it with the postgres.jar (-> ).


Lèche-vitrine ou lèche-écran ?

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