R: [postgis-users] Adding TOWGS84
P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente
paolo.rizzi at ama-mi.it
Tue Oct 18 09:00:16 PDT 2005
> > I'm not really an expert on this so maybe there was a
> reason if these
> > parameters were left out
> > from the spatial_ref_sys table???
> Paolo,
> The scripts that build WKT definitions from the EPSG databases attempt
> to populate towgs84 entries but will fail to do so under various
> circumstances. The most common reason for failure to populate a datum
> shift is that there are more than one available going to WGS84 for a
> given datum. Since I can't know which is best, I just ignore them all.
> Clearly this will need to be revisited at some point.
> Best regards,
I suspected it was for this reason...
So I'll add it myself to my own copy of spatial_ref_sys choosing
the best one for our own purposes.
If I'll come up with a method to automatically choose the best one,
I'll let you know.
Thank you very much!!!
Paolo Rizzi
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