[postgis-users] Re: SRID for USA_Lambert_Conformal_Conic

P Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Sun Aug 20 09:49:18 PDT 2006

Thanks Steve.

On 8/20/06, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
> 1) a table say abc the has data the is already in this projection but
> the srid=-1, for this table:
> update abc set the_geom=setsrid(the_geom, 102005);

Table 'abc' was created by importing a Shapefile via the shp2pgsql |
psql dance. This shapefile was already in the correct projection, but
on import into PostGIS, its SRID was set to -1 (my bad). So, to
confirm what you are suggesting -- all I have to do for this one is to
SetSRID() as you mention above. Should I not also update the
geometry_columns entry for this table with the correct SRID (102005)
or will the above UPDATE command do that for me?

> and another table say def that has data in srid=4326
> update table def set the_geom=transform(the_geom, 102005);

Table 'def' was created by importing lon/lat data, adding geometry,
and making points (what you suggested to someone else in another
thread -- works brilliantly). This table was explicitly set to
SRID=4326. Hence, the Transform() makes sense here. But, once again,
should I not also update the geometry_columns entry for this table
also with the correct SRID (102005) or will the above UPDATE command
do that for me?

Many thanks,

Puneet Kishor http://punkish.eidesis.org/
Nelson Inst. for Env. Studies, UW-Madison http://www.ies.wisc.edu/
Open Source Geospatial Foundation https://edu.osgeo.org/

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