[postgis-users] Postgis Java Geometry classes/Hibernate, broken query

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Fri Dec 1 11:43:38 PST 2006

Hi Folks,

I tried this, type the query in via psql, that worked corretly (I had to 
expand the :varible  arguments)

But if I did I ask hibernate to do it, it get it broken.

By query is
Query query = session
                    .createQuery("select manor "
                            + " from "+
                            " CastleDTO as srcCastle, "+
                             " PlaceNameDTO as manor  inner join  
manor.county as county " +
                             " where srcCastle.castleName=  :name and 
manor.county.countyName= :county and " +
manor.geometry is not null and "+
                             " distance(manor.geometry, 
srcCastle.geometry)  < :foobar ");
> query.setString("name", name);
>             query.setString("county", county);
>             query.setString("foobar", distance);
Where name = guidlford, county= surrey, distance= 3000
Results with hibernate
select placenamed1_.place_name_id as place1_3_, placenamed1_.place_name 
as place2_3_, placenamed1_.hundred_id as hundred3_3_, 
placenamed1_.county_id as county4_3_, placenamed1_.ngr as ngr3_, 
placenamed1_.gis_ngr as gis6_3_ from castle_table castledto0_, 
place_name_table placenamed1_ inner join county_table countydto2_ on 
placenamed1_.county_id=countydto2_.county_id where 
castledto0_.castle_name=$1 and countydto2_.county_name=$2 and 
(placenamed1_.gis_ngr is not null) and distance(placenamed1_.gis_ngr, 



By setting the property

<!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
<property name="show_sql">true</property>

in the Hibernate config xml, you'll see all the sql calls sent by Hibernate
in the console.

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