[postgis-users] Clarification on an error ("Coordinate does not overlap grid extent:")

strk at refractions.net strk at refractions.net
Thu Feb 16 08:10:58 PST 2006

On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 07:25:53AM -0800, Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
> We have recently upgraded a runtime server from 7.4 / postGIS 0.8 to POSTGIS="1.1.1" GEOS="2.2.1-CAPI-1.0.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.4.9, 29 Oct 2004" ... overall we are seeing lots fewer errors and a happier overall experience, but also a new error which I am not easily comprehending (copy of the log):
> ElevationMatrix::add((-96.5,40.7889,40.7889)): Coordinate does not overlap grid extent: IllegalArgumentException: ElevationMatrix::getCell got a Coordinate out of grid extent (Env[-96.538:-96.4822,40.7371:40.7731]) - cols:3 rows:3
> ElevationMatrix::add((-96.4988,40.8125,40.8125)): Coordinate does not overlap grid extent: IllegalArgumentException: ElevationMatrix::getCell got a Coordinate out of grid extent (Env[-96.538:-96.4822,40.7371:40.7731]) - cols:3 rows:3
> ElevationMatrix::add((-96.5,40.8125,40.8125)): Coordinate does not overlap grid extent: IllegalArgumentException: ElevationMatrix::getCell got a Coordinate out of grid extent (Env[-96.538:-96.4822,40.7371:40.7731]) - cols:3 rows:3
> ElevationMatrix::add((-96.5,40.7889,40.7889)): Coordinate does not overlap grid extent: IllegalArgumentException: ElevationMatrix::getCell got a Coordinate out of grid extent (Env[-96.538:-96.4822,40.7371:40.7731]) - cols:3 rows:3
> Can anyone suggest things I might try to investigate this ?

It looks like a bug.
There an ElevationMatrix object is instanciated
and an envelope is set for it's grid by unioning
arg Geometries envelopes. After that each of the
geometries vertexes are added. The message is
basically saying that a Geometry vertex falls
outside of the computed Envelope union.


> Thanks (and double thanks to the postGIS developers for the many improvements to this nifty package),
> Greg Williamson
> GlobeXplorer LLC
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