[postgis-users] MapServer config issues

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at ec.gc.ca
Tue Feb 21 09:36:55 PST 2006


I'm trying to publish a OGC:WMS/OGC:WFS resource via MapServer.

In my mapfile, the DATA directive is defined as follows:

DATA "the_geom from (select hydromet_stations.stnid as
stnid,hydromet_stations.the_geom as the_geom,
hydromet_latest_water_levels.obsdate as graphurl from
hydromet_latest_water_levels inner join hydromet_stations on
hydromet_stations.stnid = hydromet_latest_water_levels.stnid) as t using
unique hydromet_latest_water_levels.id"

When I attempt to visualize via an OGC:WMS client, I get the following

Postgresql reports the error as 'ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry
for table "hydromet_latest_water_levels"

Can anyone see anything wrong with my DATA statement SQL?



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