[postgis-users] ERROR: Operation on two GEOMETRIESwithdifferentSRIDs

Mark Cave-Ayland m.cave-ayland at webbased.co.uk
Fri Jul 14 06:42:17 PDT 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:postgis-users-
> bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Johan V
> Sent: 14 July 2006 14:31
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: Operation on two
> GEOMETRIESwithdifferentSRIDs
> Hi Mark,
> Here are the descriptions of the tables (in the same database running
> POSTGIS 0.8.2):
> [database_x]=# \d reflijst
>           Table "public.reflijst"
>   Column   |       Type        | Modifiers
> -----------+-------------------+-----------
>  artid     | integer           |
>  titre     | text              |
>  annee     | integer           |
>  volume    | character varying |
>  firstpage | character varying |
>  auteurs   | text              |
>  publica   | text              |
>  strat     | character varying |
>  domg_ol   | character varying |
>  xlambert  | bigint            |
>  ylambert  | bigint            |
>  numcarte  | integer           |
>  the_geom  | geometry          |
> Check constraints: "$1" (srid(the_geom) = 103300)
>                    "$2" ((geometrytype(the_geom) =
> 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text) OR (the_geom IS NULL))
> [database_x]=# \d gnosbgm
>              Table "public.gnosbgm"
>    Column   |          Type          | Modifiers
> ------------+------------------------+-----------
>  id         | numeric(28,6)          |
>  gemeente   | character varying(254) |
>  x          | numeric(28,6)          |
>  y          | numeric(28,6)          |
>  z          | numeric(28,6)          |
>  kaart      | character varying(254) |
>  logdiepte  | numeric(28,6)          |
>  diepte     | numeric(28,6)          |
>  bgdnr      | character varying(254) |
>  bgdcode    | character varying(254) |
>  refer      | character varying(254) |
>  hotlink    | character varying(254) |
>  imagepath1 | character varying(254) |
>  logcomp    | character varying(254) |
>  date       | character varying(10)  |
>  tert_plio  | character varying(1)   |
>  tert_mio   | character varying(1)   |
>  tert_paleo | character varying(1)   |
>  tert_eoc   | character varying(1)   |
>  tert_oligo | character varying(1)   |
>  primair    | character varying(1)   |
>  secundair  | character varying(1)   |
>  tertiair   | character varying(1)   |
>  quartair   | character varying(1)   |
>  the_geom   | geometry               |
> Indexes: sidx_gnosbgm gist (the_geom)
> Check constraints: "$1" (srid(the_geom) = 103300)
>                    "$2" ((geometrytype(the_geom) = 'POINT'::text) OR
> (the_geom IS NULL))
> And the two sql statements:
> SELECT the_geom FROM gnosbgm WHERE ((the_geom && 'POLYGON
> ((33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274
> 15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274
> 254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566
> 254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714))'))
> SELECT the_geom FROM reflijst WHERE ((the_geom && 'POLYGON
> ((33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274
> 15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274
> 254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566
> 254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714))'))
> They are just the same, only the first give me the required answer!
> Grz,
> Johan

Hi Johan,

I think that the problem is being caused by the fact that in older versions
of PostGIS, index scans ignored the SRID of the geometry during comparisons
(they don't have a RECHECK clause) where as sequential scans did take them
into account. My guess is that if you force an index scan on your reflijst
table, your query will start to work. Can you try the following in a psql

CREATE INDEX sidx_reflijst ON reflijst USING gist (the_geom


SET enable_seqscan = 'f';

SELECT the_geom FROM reflijst WHERE ((the_geom &&
'POLYGON((33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274
15067.465440617714,281187.7093687274 254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566
254932.5345593823,33595.443392445566 15067.465440617714))'));

Kind regards,


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