[postgis-users] postgis help!!

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Tue May 16 03:37:57 PDT 2006

Hi y'all...
It serves me right for pointing out to others using competing commercial
products how much better PostGIS is for our use near the dateline :-)

Being based in New Zealand, and working with data that crosses the 180
meridian, we have stored our data in Postgis using lat/long, with 0-360
longitudes (not +-180) to give us an NZ-centric view of things.
This wasn't possible in Oracle spatial or Informix, or SDE, so I had
things easy....  Sigh...
I just upgraded to the current versions of Postgres & PostGIS, & started
loading data....
For some islands east of NZ that I want to plot on the right of NZ, (east
is to the right isn't it, not on the left at the other side of the world?)
I applied the following sql.
 psql -d corax -c "update $NAME 
                   set the_geom=translate(the_geom, 360.0, 0.0, 0.0);"

The longitudes all jumped 720 degrees. Re-running it with the x translate
value at -360 at least brought them back. A translate with x offset of 180
actually worked, & moved -176 to +184, just as it used to with v0.8.
I figure this is a bug in translate?
Anyway, I then looked at the data with QGIS (cvs version - still a bit
buggy). I couldn't see any of the data from the tables I'd translated.
QGIS was setting the map extent to the old -176 region, all the way around
the world, despite the actual coords being at 184.
Following this up in psql got an interesting result:

corax=# select astext(the_geom), astext(envelope(the_geom)) from
         chat_shelt_blt_cl limit 1;

 MULTILINESTRING((183.421418 -43.969658,183.422853 -43.974923,183.422889
-43.975053,183.428435 -43.973203)) | POLYGON((-176.578582763672
-43.9750556945801,-176.578582763672 -43.9696578979492,-176.571563720703
-43.9696578979492,-176.571563720703 -43.9750556945801,-176.578582763672
(1 row)

The data (linestring) is indeed at 183 degrees (in my 0-360 degree
system), but Postgis is returning an envelope which is resetting it to

Please tell me this is a bug, or I need to do something to fix the values
returned by envelope (reset bbox for the geometry data or something?)

...not the new way PostGIS is supposed to behave.
   Brent Wood

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