[postgis-users] Google Earth/PostGIS integration

Craig Miller craig.miller at spatialminds.com
Tue May 23 10:25:34 PDT 2006

There are a couple of WMS->GE gateways.  You could use one of those to load
the GE basemap as a WMS layer, then put the PostGIS data on top of it.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Ezequias
Rodrigues da Rocha
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:20 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Google Earth/PostGIS integration

Sure it is nice. I just thought it could be more easy do a postgis
connection with Google Maps. But  how to connect (or just see) this bases ?

I have a desktopGIS with me and would like how to load a layer on Google.


Brian Timoney escreveu:
> Jim:
> With time a little short these days, I'll simply sketch out a few key 
> points--
> 1)  The viewbox parameters for Google Earth (bbox, tilt, heading, 
> range, etc.) can be read by a server script (PHP, ASP, CFM, etc.) via 
> a Network Links layer in GE.
> 2)  Now that you have a handle on where the viewer is looking, how far 
> they're zoomed in, etc., you can craft SQL queries to do perform 
> geoprocessing operations (e.g. clipping), etc.  Again, using 
> server-side scripting, you can then query your PostGIS db on the back-end.
> 3)  The Geometry specifications for Googles KML (Keyhole Markup 
> Language) are very similar to the OGC's GML standard.  So pulling 
> geometry out of PostGIS using the 'AsGML(the_geom)' function gets you 
> 90% home in terms of converting query responses back into KML.
> 4)  Applying the appropriate MIME types to the KML you send out from 
> the server will ensure that the receiving browser knows to shuttle the 
> response to the GE interface.
> 5)  Using GE's internal web browser (Windows only), is a handy way of 
> keeping the user in the general "environment" even though technically 
> the bulk of the data transaction is taking place between web browser and
> Hope this is helpful,
> Brian
> -----------------------
> The Timoney Group
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> Denver, CO  80206
> Ph:  (303) 929-3722
> Fax: (303) 571-4304
> www.thetimoneygroup.com
> -----------------------
> -----------------------
> The Timoney Group
> 518 17th Street
> Suite 430
> Denver, CO  80206
> Ph:  (303) 929-3722
> Fax: (303) 571-4304
> www.thetimoneygroup.com
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Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
msn:ezequias at hotmail.com
"the worst of democracies is still better than the best of dictatorship"

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